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Welcome to the Order of the Iron Rose
As this is my first post of the blog I feel I should introduce myself, to many who would read this I am Necris a regular and long time poster on the Conclave. I have been a member of each incarnation of the Conclave from the days when Games Workshop hosted their own forums to it's current incarnation under the leadership of the great Saussure, I regularly attend Conclave meets and have attended a number of IGT's, I also use Necris on the Warseer, Bolter and Chainsword and Dakka Dakka forums but I am not a regular poster on those so am probably not as well known.
I have been a collector of miniatures from Games Workshop for close to 20 years and have been a gamer for longer this is because I used to play with my brothers collection as he taught me the rules and systems before I finally started collecting on my own. The first army I played with was an Undead army that my brother had collected and my first army was a Dark Elf army (an army that I Still collect to this day) I started 40K much later maybe when I was about 13 or 14 and as with many I started with Space Marines but that fell by the way side and I started an Imperial Guard army. Now I must say I am a humanist when it comes to 40K I've dabbled with the Xenos but have always come back to the Humans I currently collect a Space Marine task force from the Magma Crows Chapter a chapter of my own creation.
That being said for my mainstream games I have collected and played Inquisitor since it first came out, I have amassed a number of miniatures in excess of 20 I think in various stages of completion, something that always interested me since the release of Daemonhunters and Witchhunters is the creation of a Grand Army of the Inquisition in which every squad and unit has an Inquisitor leading his retinue this is one of my Dream armies and long ago I made a start on it a abandoned it as folly confined one of my boxes of failed armies. Since the birth of my little boy Jasper and my subsequent new direction as a house husband I've been clearing out some of my old collections and I stumble upon some of the Inquisitors I'd made and with the Inspiration of people like Molotov and his Inq28 crusade and Migsula and the =I=Munda circle I have returned to the concept with the intentions of building a number of retinues that can be used in both Inq28 and =I=Munda and eventually be combined to form a force for 40K, this also ties into my other dream project which I've been working on for some time which is a traitor guard army, I've been building my traitors for close to 2 years now and it's slow going but my dream is to have an army of human traitors led by towering traitor legionaries to this end I've been building true scale space marines and having seen the works of Migsula and his Legion force I feel I can roll this force back and incorporate it into the three systems as well.
That being said this blog is going to be for the dedication of both those goals building an Inquisitional force and a traitor guard army.
I hope you enjoy.
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