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Ok for this installment I'm bringing you some agents of death, For a long time I've been developing the Guild of Night a death cult that is tied to the service of the Order of the Iron Rose, Inquisitor Altus has the honour of calling himself the Guild Master and surrounding him as his inner cabal are the Unus Quisnam est Nex most prominent of these are the figures known as Inquisitor Pavor Vepres and Operative Slade.
The Guild itself is broken up into 4 castes each specialising in in a particular form of battle first us are two members of the Macto Caste
Unus Quisnam Insisto Dico of Macto - Nijin
And a Female of the Macto Caste
Unus Quisnam Insisto Dico of Macto - Sleyik
And a member of the Occisor Caste
Unus Quisnam Insisto Dico of Occisor - Gladi
There are still two more Castes to construct and I'm presently working on their miniatures these are for the Venator and Era Caste's
I'll add more details of each caste once I've built the other models
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