Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Something Old, Something New

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 Something Old 

So for my first post on modelling and painting I thought I’d show off something from the past one of my first warbands and some things I’m currently working on.

So without further hesitation I present the full retinue of my first Inquisitor, Maxim Slade Ordo Hereticus.


Slade is a young inquisitor bombastic and impulsive he’s a man to get things done, utilising a criminal network of thieves, gangers, hitmen, informants and assassins he is commonly mistaken by local law enforcement as a criminal mastermind an error he is more than happy to exploit. A skilled warrior Slade has always favoured the sword and his skill at arms is of highly regarded note, while his abilities as a marksman are not to be under estimated he favours light pistols to compliment his criminal persona.

Two of Slade’s most infamous henchmen are Samson and Cassidy, Samson is an ex-guardsman of the Geno Battalions, injured and abandoned in the theatre while Imperial forces withdrew he found himself a warrior without a memory lost on a battlefield held by the enemy, if it were not for his gene enhance body he would have fallen to the enemy long before he was able to sneak aboard an enemy transport and escape his fate, moving from ship to ship he found himself on the world of Fortuna Sigma in the employ of a local syndicate as a hired gun, Cassidy a native of Fortuna Sigma was a wayward child a small time pick pocket and runner for a drug lord, it was during a gang war that Samson and Cassidy finally encountered one another, a girl trapped in the middle of a fire fight Samson instinctively stepped in to protect her and since that incident they have been together the girl and her protector, when Slade encountered them Cassidy had risen to rule a gang of her own, seeing an advantage for herself she offered the services of her gang to Slade.

Now onto Something new
I had intended to take part in the Pimp my Wizard competition but I was unfortunately distracted by my son and work so was unable to dedicate the time to completing the challenge, and so it fell until now when I am falling into a routine that allows me to engage in my hobby, anyway here is the finished piece unpainted as of yet as I don’t get that much time, and unnamed. I wanted a character that was imposing and gave an air of raw power and force, an open stance and unsubtle weapon were the best options, so I chose a power hammer, to combine with this I considered giving him a bolt pistol or plasma pistol but it didn’t work so being a big fan of Inquisitor Hex from forge world I gave him a shield and I think it works. As a twist to the character I’ve considered the option that his armour is hiding a secret and in truth within the armour is a weakened man on the verge of death and has become a figure head of the Holy Inquisition’s Crusade leading a group of loyal warriors against the heretics.

Another use of the Chaos Sorcerer that I put together is again a yet to be named Inquisitor I think this one might turn out to be a Radical psyker. 

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